          胡??:全面?施物?法????各种利益?系 Do not fooled by stupid bad ugly evil illegal 胡??'s plan or plain lies. He dares see Lawful Republic of China like noth 燒烤ing, how dare you think he can see your money higher than Republic of China, how dare you allow him to see your money above Lawful Republic of China? He can see MouJerDong&# 自動PO文軟體39;s unselfish defense powerless poorest landless individual's righteousness like nothing, how dare you think he can have the strength to defense your greedies. Rich and Famou 客制化軟體s around the world, if you see 胡??'s evil deeds like nothing today, you can expect you become nothing like tomorrow. There's no way "Jyao.Tar.Liang.Tyao.Chwon", even a man must hav 關鍵字排名e only one woman, not mention a Nation must have only one policy either communist or democratic; either face and accept communist heavy burden to take care all people's needs or respect democratic all p 網頁設計eople's freedom to be their nation's real boss to have the real right to elect their own leaders. Therefore, Do Not go to Mainland China, unless you are willing to see individual 物? like nothing, you are ready 成人文章to kiss Communist ass to do your best to defense MouJerDong's unselfish idea. China can nly have one option available that is to be the best in the world, otherwise, the rest of the world must sealed it inside them 成人self to live or die by themself. If you world wide leaders lack of the guts to seal China away from you, you can see the whole world destroy and dragon down by evil doers like 胡?? sooner or later. You do you math and do not see my alarmin 情色g to you like nothing. To help China to become the best, you must help China back to Republic of China, help China have a lawful law makers body, help this lawful body to get the figure out to give every China Citizen the intitled land to live or to die freel 成人文章 y. There's no convenient way for you all to survive. It is war on terrorist, you must treat it like a war, convenience cannot win the battle ground.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 蜜桃之心聊天室  .

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